De Mingle
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De Mingle


26 Ulasan



Rp 175.000 / Orang

Kebon Jeruk

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Review De Mingle


26 Ulasan

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  • larasatie01


    restoran dengan konsep menawarkan perpaduan makanan indonesia, belanda dan italia. waktu saya datang kondisi restoran cukup berantakan, karena sehabis dipakai acara meeting. saya pesan coffee latte dan pasta carbonara, keduanya rasanya standar tidak ada yang istimewa. untuk harga cukup ok

  • Betzzie


    Went here yesterday for lunch. Unfortunately most of the menu we want to order is out of stock. I'm kinda disappointed when they said their most favourite menu, galantine (cmiiw), is not available. Also 2 pastas menus that was orderd by my friend.I ended up ordering cow's tounge biefstuk, a menu that reminds me my late grandma's cooking. The tounge is so soft, easy to be cut and chew. The sauce also ok.My friend ordered Nasi Goreng Ox tail, but he said he only like the fried rice.Anyway, the price is not that expensive, the decor is quite nice. It could be your choice anytime you'd like to have lunch around kebon jeruk area.

  • Lydia D


    Datang kesini karena ada temen yang ngadain birthday dinner. Love the interior ! Menurut temen gua, staffnya pun mau turut membantu dia saat mendekor untuk acara. Staffnya friendly tapi agak kaget karena mendadak dipesankan makanan while gua gatau makanan itu isinya apa. Akhirnya memesan jacolo dengan bumbu bbq, sementara jacolo biasanya disajikan dengan mushroom sauce. Jacolo disajikan dengan mashed potato yang pas rasanya dan pas kelembekannya. My friend order the dory and marinara pasta dan dory nya asin banget buat gua. Spaghettinya pun ga terlalu enak, cenderung agak asam. Sosis di hutspot met bratwurst nya enak, sangat terasa dagingnya. Dessertnya, marie, terasa kayak poffertjes disajikan dengan es krim vanilla dan saus coklat.

  • WinstonSE


    love this Indo Dutch Bistro so much. i always order the Kalfstong Biefstuk (Ox Tongue Dteak) every meal. its soft and yummy. unlike what we would imagine eating an ox tongue would look and feel like. i would never try any other menu because the ox tongue is something unique and their speciality.

  • Rasbun S


    Few weeks ago, that was my first time go into this restaurant. I tried their Nasi Goreng Kampung. The chef served my order with nice and simple platting technique. The food didn't over oily and tasted quiet good.My friends ordered a mix platter of their appetizer. Bitterbalen was my favorite!Overall we like all dishes and also their interior :)

  • DhikaP73


    Pesen beef meatloaf nya (lupa namanya apa) dan porsinya banyak bgt ternyata (walaupun piringnya tetep terlalu besar) i personally ask for the egg to be fully cooked because i can't eat raw food..and they've done it beautifully!The only downside is pas jam 9 malem semua karyawannya seperti buru2 mau pulang padahal saya belum dijemput, dan sikap "buru2 mau pulangnya" itu ditunjukkin bgt jadi buat saya gak nyaman dan akhirnya memutuskan buat cari tempat lain yg masih buka pada jam 9malem di deket situ..

  • 99ing


    We really liked the decor of the restaurant.. the ambience is very cozy and homey.. the food is delicious with a reasonabLe price.. overall we are satisfied..

  • FiefieA5


    Sempat beberapa kali makan disini. Nama menu makanannya unik" sepertinya memang nama belanda asli tapi ga semuanya enak. Usually I ordered nasi/mie goreng kampung, galantine atau oxtail fried rice since IMO that's the tasty one. While for other menu isn't very recommended. Secara value masih ok juga

  • 995sarii


    I like this place because the place is cozy and not too crowded.They have 2 storey.1st floor for non smoking and 2nd floor for smoking room. I ordered bitterballen. The taste is very delicious.The texture is soft, savoury with their delicious dipping.Great combination.The price is also affordable 35k++ for 5 pieces.I also like their rijstafel,Moeder Subiyarti. It's a small nasi tumpeng with coconut rice,chicken satay,keripik kentang (crispy fried potato),telur balado (boiled egg with chili sauce), kerupuk (crackers) served with tea and coffee for only 89k++. For hot lemon tea 18k++. For dessert I order Marie (poffertjes) 42k++. It's served with vanilla ice cream. But for me, the taste isn't too good, doesn't taste like original poffertjes. But overall all of their food I've tried are delicious such as galantine, mie tek tek.

  • Kezia P


    Gw baru sekali kemari dan wkt itu order steak lidah sapi sama chocolate lava cake-nya. Taste-nya lumayan, harga jg seinget gw standar. Suasana tmpnya cukup cozy utk ngumpul2 walau ga terlalu gede krn di ruko gitu. Biasanya De Mingle suka ngadain penawaran2 khusus jg di hari2 tertentu. Sayangnya, pas terakhir gw mau ke sana utk beli chocolate lava cake-nya, dibilangin klo menu itu udh ga ada. Pdhl klo ga salah inget, dulunya menu itu salah satu signature-nya De Mingle de.

Lokasi De Mingle

De Mingle terletak di Ruko Graha Handaya, Jl. Raya Perjuangan 12A, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Belanda di dekat Kebon Jeruk. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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