Djournal Coffee
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Djournal Coffee


31 Ulasan



Rp 55.000 / Orang

Puri Indah Mall Expansion, Puri Indah

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Review Djournal Coffee


31 Ulasan

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  • sachil2021


    ke sini redeem apaan gitu lupa. yg pasti kopi sih. trus sama makanannya juga. tp gw gak terlalu suka sih. gw kalo ke djournal demennya cuma minuman mango-nya. sedap. gemes. tp utk ambiance, cakep di outlet puri. area outdoornya yg kece sih. mejanya juga bagus. hehehe. tp wkt itu ke sana gak mesen mango. ngopi2 aja.

  • LoveTravel557096


    Hadiah shop&win di Puri Mall itu seringnya adl voucher dr Ismaya Group, yg tentunya mubazir kalau ga di pake ya... Walaupun gw bukan tipe anak nongkrong di cafe (tipe makan kenyang-pulang 😂), tapi pernah cobain Mango Juice disini dan rasanya mantap jiwa. Lebih enak drpd gank minuman mangga yg famous itu.Beberapa waktu lalu berkesempatan diundang langsung dr Ismaya Group untuk gathering. Sebagai penggila coklat, gw pesan minum nutella blast dan ovomaltine cake.Nutella blast nya berasa bgt nutellanya, tapi ga terlalu manis dan ga buat eneg.Ovo cake nya berasa bgt ovo aslinya, ga kaya cafe lain yg jual nama ovo tapi ngasi ovo nya pelit bgt.Overall tempatnya jg nyaman krn berada di expansion yg cenderung sepi dr lalu lalang manusia. Cm karna konsepnya terbuka, ya rada panas dikit...

  • TamaraTherito


    Got a chance to enjoy my coffee after a very tiring day of working. The ambience is so good to rest your mind, with low lighting and comfy space to have a perfect relaxation while sipping your caffeine. And since this one is located in the mall extention, so you'll have both smoking and non-smoking area on your prefference.I got my very first Salted Caramel Latte here. I never had the nerve to try such menu before eventhough on the popular coffee shops which often give interesting offering on this kind of drink. It was just me who thought that it would be weird, if not disgusting, to have the taste of savory within your sweet coffee. Yet that night I finally decided to have one and this Djournal really didn't disappoint me. 8 of 10, their Salted Caramel Latte just tasted great. The coffee was strong enough yet still in a perfect "shot" to balance the salty caramel taste. It wasn't too sweet, and the salty-stuff just made it tasted even richer. They made me have quite a high standard for such menu for sure.Regally blonde was also my drink that night. And just as its title, the Regal was filled every single sips of it. Very rich, very thick and strong, also can be counted as a dessert or even a food itself. I couldn't help myself to drink it more than a quarter because I was quickly become very full 😂 7,5/10 for its nice combination of Regal, milk, and whatsoever on that drink that made it popular among those sweet lovers.For the food I had this SayCheese Ovomaltine which surprisingly felt just great with my Latte. Cheese has always been my favorite and this one didn't ruin my expectation of a nice cheese cake. It was just their base which wasn't perfectly solid that it left the messy crumbs all around the plate. But since I don't know a lot about cake, so actually I don't really understand if it was its true form or not. But overall I'll give 7 of 10.I will surely recommend this place as they have both great coffee and great place in the same time.

  • thisisfarid


    Tempatnya nyaman bgt dah Instagramable pula, cocok bangat buat refreshing & Chit chat bersama teman2 or sekedar beresin kerjaan juga OK bangat rekomended, ada outdoor & indoor.Untuk Minumnya gw pesen Latte,istri pesen Avocalypse,temen gw pesen chocolate...Buat Minumannya yg kita pesen OK lahyg penting sich Nongki2 dgn temannya.

  • Journey60847792858


    A good place to relax while waiting for somebody.Checking my works and having hot cappuccino here made my waiting just a flash.The place was at the extension of the mall.

  • havizk2019


    Utk ambience nice dan comfortable.. kebetulan tadi cukup ramai tp masih ada bbrp space kosong. pelayanannya jg ramah.Ordered hot cappuccino and latte. kekentalan kopinya juga suka banget, rasanya pas, sesuai dengan harganya.

  • Ray H


    Tempat nya nyaman banget buat nongkrong , wifi kenceng , pelayan nya ramah" .. tidak mengecewakan Butter Croissant 18.8k , Latte 34.5k , Cappuccino 34.5k

  • fransiskal2020


    Setelah makan siang rasanya ga lengkap kalo belum ngopi. Akhirnya gw dan teman pun menuju ke Djournal Coffee. Cafe ini cukup terkenal tapi gw baru sempet datang nyobain. Tadinya gw pikir tempat ini overrated tapi ternyata dugaan gw salah. Harga kopi cukup terjangkau dan rasanya juga oke. Gw pesen hot cappucino. Penyajiannya dengan mug jd kopinya more than enough for me. Tempatnya ga terlalu besar tapi ambiencenya ok. I was impressed by the service, actually. Jadi bikin betah lama2.

  • SendyFronc


    Pertama kali coba AVOCOFFEE disini. Dan menurutku masih terlalu encerrr, dan rasa alpukatnya kurang enak, berasa kayak terlalu matang. Mungkin pemilihan alpukatnya bisa lebih selektif lagi.

  • sellasellasella


    Dapat kesempatan buat foto2 disini dan nyobain beberapa menunya. Tempatnya cozy buat nongkrong namun sedikit kurang dingin, makanannya banyak menu baru, paling suka pas coba baked rice nya.. nasinya gurih dan ayamnya pas banget dimarinate. Sempet pesen hot chocolate, porsinya wow! 👍🏻 cuma agak terlalu manis (not sweet tooth) variant kopinya banyak.. suka yang rasa bika ambon... ga terlalu manis.

Lokasi Djournal Coffee

Djournal Coffee terletak di Puri Indah Mall Expansion, Lantai Ground, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Puri Indah, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kopi di dekat Puri Indah Mall Expansion, Puri Indah. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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