Francis Artisan Bakery
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Francis Artisan Bakery


50 Ulasan



Rp 35.000 / Orang

Grand Indonesia Mall, Thamrin

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Review Francis Artisan Bakery


50 Ulasan

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  • Putri A


    Kesini udah sore jadi gak terlalu banyak yg tersedia. Aku beli dark choco creamcheese sama satu lagi lupa namanya apa haha pokoknya di depan aja letaknya.Dark Choco Creamcheese (4.5/5) 35kGak salah sih mereka labelin ini sebagai best seller. Enak banget! Rotinya gede, tebel, empuk banget. Cokelat sama creamcheese fillingnya gak pelitPastry isinya peach sama raisin (3.5/5)Di pajang di depan pas masuk, aku lupa namanya hahaha. Kulit pastrynya enak bgt renyah, manis karena di taburi gula di sekelilingnya. Cuman aku kurang suka sama isiannya peach & raisinOverall yang bikin aku suka sama francis ini disediain tester jadi bisa nyoba dulu. Ukuran rotinya gede jadi worth it untuk harga kisaran 30k.Next bakal balik lagi kesini buat nyobain choco duriannya ^^

  • peranginf


    As the name suggests, Francis Artisan Bakery is an artisan bakery on the top level in Japanese style baking method and selection. Modern and great interior settings welcome every guests to browse their extensive bread and pastry selections. Bread and pastry samples are available besides the names of each product on display.The crowd's favorites include cheese and mushroom bread and choco/ peanut choco buns. Their breads are all chewy and are all reasonably priced. All the selections on ssle are not overly sweet or salty, which suits me well!My favorites include their plain sapporo toast which is moist and tender, sugar glazed croissants and Himalayan salt croissants.The service is very good and expedient. They can help you cutting bigger-sized breads into smaller pieces for easier consumption at home, which I usually did with their large breads.New menus are available from time to time. Be sure to check out their store regularly!

  • anabellanadira


    Roti roti disini unik banget, porsinya juga besar besar, jadi harga menyesuaikan. Waktu saya dateng, ada banyak tester dan semuanya unik banget rasanya. Rotinya tuh berasa jadi kadang ada roti yang no filling tp enak.Pelayannya juga ramah tapi ga mengintimidasi wkwkwk. Saya tanya yg rekomended yang mana, dikasih tahu the dark chocolate cream cheese, harganya worth dengan besarnya.Itu roti habis dua hari karena porsinya lumayan. Cream cheesenya gurih dan manis ga berlebih, teksturenya lembut banget. Rotinya sendiri kenyal, ga nyangkut di gigi dan berisi.

  • subursanjaya28


    Tiap kali ke GI selalu mampir kesini. Beetroot cranberry, parisian walnut raisin dan duo olive cheese selalu jadi favorit. Rotinya besar2 jadi bisa buat dimakan beberapa kali. Rasanya juga enak ga gitu manis

  • irmamahatma84


    여기 빵집 진짜 괜찮아요저렴한데 빵 완전 쫄깃함..가게도 깔끔하고사진보고 또 사러갑니다 ㅋㅋSaya suka sini bakeryMurah dan enak banget.. roti kenyalSekarang saya pergi sini lagi lol

  • jamhuer


    My favorite bakery karena enak dan roti yg gede, kalo mampir ke sini selalu beli yg matcha mochi yg ngga pelit ama mochinya. My favorite bread is choco bun, sakura mochi, kyoto choco mochi, dan dark choco creamcheese.

  • lcaferrarise


    Roti yg beda dari yg laen. Porsi gede rasa oke kualitas 👌🏾👍🏾Kali ini gw beli yg jalapeno isinya ad kejunya manteppp.Pas beli gw minta dipotongin, ada 5potong masi lumayan gede. Menurut gw harganya oke lag sesuai ukurqn rotinya n yg pasti rasanya jg 👌🏾👌🏾Gw jg beli yg manisnya isinya honey sama susu gitu. Enak juga manis empukk.

  • lgfocus


    Rasa rotinya da best sih over all dibandingkan dengan pesaing lainnya. Asiknya itu disini pasti ada testernya. tapi kok sekarang2 makin kerasa mahal ya harga rotinya.

  • jojochen83


    4/5 years ago when they still so so, not that crowded i already love their basic bun, just feel everything there is different from others, and bumb! Now i have to queing at the cashier, My fav ? Everything but now i love their “tiger croissant” , crunchy outside and sweet inside but not that sweet. You still can keep it for one day they still crunchy but not that crispy but also not hard to chew it (we say “alot” in Javanese) It’s one of my ‘must have’ food to bring when i came to my hometown

  • ahoaheu


    The bakery is like a museum of fine food art. I could spend the whole day tasting, asking question to the very friendly staff and admiring the stunning creations. The pastries are usually huge portions, not allot of petit creation to eat by yourself. The ingredients are top quality with a wide range of cakes, breads, cookie buns and novel designs you can’t find anywhere’s else. Even if you don’t eat allot of pastries, you should visit to appreciate the craftsmanship and enjoy the lovely home style ambiance. Seeing is believing, enjoy the picture. The French toast is brick size and you could build a delicious house from them!

Lokasi Francis Artisan Bakery

Francis Artisan Bakery terletak di Grand Indonesia Mall, East Mall, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. M.H. Thamrin No. 1, Thamrin, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Grand Indonesia Mall, Thamrin. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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