Island Creamery
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Island Creamery


31 Ulasan



Rp 75.000 / Orang

Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading

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Review Island Creamery


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  • Mark D


    I scream for ice cream! Eskrim kesukaan gue di tempat ini ada 2, not sure what the name was pokoknya rainbow cheese cake ice cream gitu sama dragon fruit ice cream! Minuman yg pernah gue coba disini cuma 1, ice hazelnut latte, rasanya biasa aja sih tapi yaaa enak hehehe

  • sharlyhestari


    Island creamery became one of my fav cafe nearby. Well, everything is worth to try and buy. The foods are above average yet the prices are resaonabe and reatively cheaper compare to other cafes nowadays. You can get one scoop ice cream with only 25k :)Moreover, the place is pretty comfy for us to hang out with family or friends. The last time I came here, I got their Walnut brownie (IDR 42k) topped with ice cream of your choice. I picked cookies 'n cream, which is my fav all the time ♡

  • flyingcerdo


    From the name we can imagine that this place serves dessert or exactly ice cream. But than i know that island creamary also serves main course too.Since the signature is ice cream so i decide to try their dessert. What is it? First i try Devil Chocolate, it is a slice consists two layer of ice cream and chocolate cake in the bottom and topped with chocolate crumble, and taste was nice.Than i tried Mud Pie Alaska, i guest its a vanilla taste since the color is white with slices of almond on top. But than i knew there was a green tea ice cream inside. I catched with the green tea filling. Overall i like the place and the ice cream.

  • erni211


    Another place i'd liked to go to spend with friends. Kalo kesini sama temen-temen gaakan bisa cuma sejam, tp bisa berjam-jam. Tempatnya nyaman banget buat ngobrol-ngobrol sambil makan ice cream. My best opinion for ice cream in here is "one scoop is fine, two are okay, but more are better". Kalo kesini musti cobain yang rainbowcake ice cream. It tasted like heaven.. sekali nyoba gaakan bisa berenti

  • Vonianti


    Long time no eat ice cream!Ke sini buat cobain rasa ferrero rocher sama verry berry nya.Wah enak! Campuran berry ke coklat nya pas bgt. Aku sk bgt rasa berry nya :))Uda gt tmpt nya cozy & lucu wall nya :)Must try yaa rasa Ferrero & Very berry nya:) (Psst mnrut ak lbh enk drpd Haagen-dasz krn island creamery brasa light ice cream nya, kalo haagen dasz brasa heavy krn mmg gelato)Enjoy! :)

  • Diky A


    Pertama kali mencoba island creamy di gading walk ini. Tempatnya cukup luas dibandingkan dengan di mall lainnya.Kali ini saya mencoba mudpie (39k). Terdiri dari 3 lapisan ice cream. Chocolate, cookies and cream dan caramel. Diatasnya diberikan potongan oreo. Rasanya? Gw sih suka! Hehe.. Selain itu juga memesan 2 scoop ice cream terdiri dari rainbow dan ferrero. Ferrero ya rasanya cukup pekat cokelatnya. Dan untuk rainbownya, rasa ice cream vanilla dan cakenya pas menurut gw.Overall ice cream disini selalu memuaskan

  • amsi1404


    Favorite!!!!! Gue recommend chocolate lava cake + rainbow ice creamnya deh. Enak bgt pokoknya, rainbow ice creamnya tuh ada potongan2 kuenya. Choco lavanya juga mantap ?. Harganya juga ya standard2 aja. Trus disini aja colokan + wifi. Udh lah lengkap ??

  • masdasimatupang


    signature dark chocolate lava cake + timtam milo ice creamnya juaraaaaa deh perpaduan yg pas bisa bikin mood bagus lagi *awalnya badmood pas kesini* anw ketagihan bgt deh kapan-kapan kesini lagi nyoba yg green tea boleh lah yaaaa ?

  • veeleeya


    this is above my expectation. i ate nutella bella sundae. the combination of ferrero rocher and reverso ice cream is perfect. enyak.. es krim lucu dgn tempat nongkrong juga lucu. 💙 kemudian ga cuma ice cream and cake. island creamery juga punya kopi, teh, dan minuman lain di menunya.

  • AntariPramono


    First impression when came here, niy tempat khusus nyemil dessert doank...ternyata mrk menyediakan main course jg, but not much. Tgl 7 juni 2015 mampir ke tempat ini and ordered spaghetti bolognaise, ferrero berries waffles, ketan gembira & pink lychee iced tea.The drink came first, ketan gembira & pink lychee iced tea. Ketan gembira rasanya enak cuz its added with ice cream + soda. While the ice tea fresh jg rasanya dgn tambahan bbrp buah lychee. Stlh itu, dtg ferrero berries waffles. I was curious with the combination of the flavour of ferrero chocolate with nuttela. Dan ternyata sayang wafflesnya ukuran mini 😆And the last is spaghetti bolognaise yg dtgnya terlalu lama. Menu ini agak mengecewakan. Smua serba standar. Taste & porsinya ky rumahan bgt. Kekurangan dr tempat ini: sptnya mrk kurang staff dlm menyediakan main course. Kompor pun saya liat hanya ada satu. Bagaimana klo byk pesanan y?? But i promise. I'll be come again this week...penasaran dgn desserts yg laen.. 😁

Lokasi Island Creamery

Island Creamery terletak di Mall Kelapa Gading, Lantai Ground, Gading Walk, Jl. Kelapa Gading Boulevard, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Mall Kelapa Gading, Kelapa Gading. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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