J.CO Donuts & Coffee
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J.CO Donuts & Coffee


31 Ulasan



Rp 60.000 / Orang

Senayan City, Senayan

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Review J.CO Donuts & Coffee


31 Ulasan

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  • arigawibisana


    waktu itu kesini sekitar 2 hari yg lalu karena lagi nungguin nonton film jd yaaah sempet stay utk bbrp lama disini dan pesen yoghurt original sm topping buah dan saus raspberry kalo gasalah. gue sih selalu suka sm yoghurt j.co karena menurut gue formulanya udh pas bgt, ga terlalu asem dan ga terlalu manis pokoknya the best frozen yoghurt so far yg paling gue suka yaaa j.co.but the point of my review weren't about the donuts, yoghurt or anything else that their serve. But. The place itself. disini gue ga bermaksud untuk menjatuhkan atau gimana, atau mungkin emg letak j.co ini ada nya di basement, so the possibilities of it's happen bs dibilang cukup besar.so it was started when i was sitting there with my other 2 friends, awalnya tuh biasa aja gue duduk sampe akhirnya gue ngerasa ada sesuatu yg "nginjek" paha gue dan itu kaya tajem. Dan gue berfikir positif aja kalo itu belanjaan gue yg jatoh karena ada disebelah gue, dan yg perlu di note adalah gue duduk di kursi yg empuk yg nyatu ama barisan bangku lainnya (if you get what i mean), and if you guys know what happen setelah gue kaget ngerasa seperti ada "sesuatu" dibawah gue, gue otomatis goyang2in paha gue dong dan.... yg keluar tikus. dan tikus itu keluar dr meja gue dan lari cepet ke atap.semua org liat ke tmpt gue dan gue bahkan gaktau hrs gmn lagi karena that shit injek paha gue tanpa gue ketahuin sampe dia keluar dr kolong meja gue, jd gamungkin dong gue tereak setelah dia udh keluar? kayanya telat bgt. Dan gue bener2 gatau apa yg hrs gue lakuin saat itu, gamungkin lg gue teriak karena tikus itu udh ilang.gue sih ga mempermasalahkan ini dan ngomong sm org j.co disitu, when it was really matter anyway sebenernya. Tp yaudah gue sm tmn2 gapunya pilihan lain selain kita pindah ke bangku lain.disini sih gue cuma mau ksh tau aja, supaya lbh di cek lagi masalah tmpt dan keamanan pengunjung disana, tkt aja banyak org yg ngira kalo dapur mereka ga sebersih itu, dan semoga kejadian yg gue alami ga terjadi sm pengunjung lain. Ohiya mungkin ga cuma j.co tp semua restaurant/tmpt makan yg adanya di basement sency, karena gue bukan cuma melihat dan terganggu, (org yg liat aja bs terganggu karena ada tikus). apalagi gue yg bener2 diinjek sm tikus itu dan itu terjadi di mall besar, gue benar2 berharap pihak mall mengusut ttg kasus ini, maaf sebelumnya...

  • maridin j


    The renovated outlet is smaller and no wifi. It is hotter to dine inside so I suggest you choose the outside area. We ordered only avocado frappe. The service is okay.

  • RichardTan91


    Kemari cm buat makan jcool hahahah.. Gatau knp tp paling suka froyo disini, rasanya pas aja. Lagian jco skrg jg agak nyaman ko tempatnya, mgkn krn perubahan design, jd enak bs lama2..

  • melianat2020


    Always a delicious choice to spend your late afternoon, the Senayan City JCo is just as great as the other branches. This is becoming a go-to spot for warm J-tarts and hot chocolate for me and my cousin after a cinema trip. Clean, modern interiors and welcoming baristas as well.

  • Budi D


    Kesini seringnya jam sembilan jam stengah sepuluhan malem gitu buat beli donat nya buat orang rumah, ya karena datengnya jam segitu wajar aja sering kehabisan.Di J.Co gw paling suka donat yang atasnya ada alomond nya, selain itu untuk donat topping oreo dan di dalamnya ada cream juga sukaaaa.

  • Doniriandi1112


    Nyobain yoghurt green tea... Lumayan sih rasanya, tadinya mau sour sally tapi di sency tutup.... Lbh enak yg fi sour sally, tapi kl kangen sour sally boleh lah... Dan nyobain J cheese tart... Mahal dan ga enak rasanya... Kejunya asem.. Maaf yaa? Tapi emang ga enak. Buat service ok.

  • esantoso


    Lagi seneng banget cari cheese tart yg model gini.. sejak coba cheese tart di SG ga ada yg mirip sm di IND...Di jakarta selain ada brand Maquxxx., Ezx, Pabxx.....brand jco lah yg super duper mirip ga perlu jauh2 ke SG buat makan cheese tart yg ini...Asamnya dapat..manisnya jg balance !!Untuk harga sama kayak di SG per piece 20 k. Tapi untuk dpt cheese tart ini NO AVailable di all stores...cmn ada di store2 jco tertentu...selain disini kalian bs dpt juga di jco gancitt guys..

  • riotirtana


    When: You wanna spend less than 10k to comfortably sit down in a mall and you'd like to try almost all of the Indonesia's latest dessert fads in a seating.Where: If you're coming from the main entrance of Senayan City, take the nearest elevator down and voila, it'll be on your left side!Who: Anyone, just make sure you won't be having a serious talkWear: Anything you'd wear in a mallNot for: Those who want to cure their hunger in a... Normal way or those who wants to have formal/serious engagements.J.CO is a brand that I admire, they constantly evolve to match the current fad without sacrificing its quality and price- and furthermore, they have different ways of treating their recreations, which makes me have a reason to come back to this place. Instead of picking up the best dishes, I'm just gonna do a review on how their depiction of some of the latest hip desserts compares to other brands.Donuts, 8kJ.CO's donuts is small-to-medium-sized and light. Not gonna make you feel full but one is enough to procrastinate your hunger. They have a wide selection of taste, but I have personal favourites. Al Capone is white chocolate frost topped with almond, which was sweet and elevated by the savouriness of the almond. The tiramisu donut is topped by tiramisu cream and filled with cream- feels soft and light on my tongue, I like.J.Cool Frozen Yogurt, starting from 15kThe lightest popular frozen yogurt I'll find in Jakarta- and one of my personal favourites. It's light, more icy than creamy, sour, and very fresh. The exact opposite of llao-llao, I think. Some would like J.Cool frozen yogurt better, and the others would like other fro-yos better- it's just a matter of taste. The only downside of J.Cool is the lack of those outrageously sinful-flavored sauces.Cheese Tart, 20kFirstly, beware: J.CO's cheese tart is veeeeery runny. You have to eat it with extra caution if you wanna keep yourself clean. Their cream cheese is sweet and tangy, and their crust is sweet- yes, J.CO's cheese tart have a stronger taste than other brands of cheese tarts- which is why I myself found J.CO's cheese tart to be overbearing. They have a good pie crust texture though, I'll give them that. Again, some will like this cheese tart, some others will not.

  • kahfi f


    Malem2 di Sency saya iseng ke Jco.Emang lagi pengen nyobain frozen yoghurt green teanya.Jadilah saya pesan ukuran couple rasa green tea dengan 2 topping: longan & mochi. Rasanya lumayan lah. Cukup terasa green teanya meskipun menurut saya rasanya masih mirip froyonya yg biasa. Harganya 38k

  • 887simont


    Gw ke tempat ini cm krn 1 hal. CHEESE TART.Krn gw denger bbrp outlet JCo buat jg cheese tart.Klo dr sisi harga Rp 20rb standar lah...Utk penampilan jg cukup menggoda iman gw... apalagi wanginya...Pas gigitan pertama, pastry nya enak koq, gempur ga terlalu keras. Rasanya agak kyk kulit pie... TAPI.... Pas udh digigit.. duuuuh lumer broohh tengahnyaa..OMG.. endes... rasanya asin asem keju gitu.. enyaaaakkk...Ga kalah koq sama cheesetart yg kekinian2 skrg...U HAVE TO TRY !! 😉😎

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J.CO Donuts & Coffee terletak di Senayan City, Lantai Lower Ground, Jl. Asia Afrika, Senayan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Senayan City, Senayan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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