Kopi Luwak
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Kopi Luwak


27 Ulasan



Rp 100.000 / Orang

Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan

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Review Kopi Luwak


27 Ulasan

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  • GourmetTravellers64


    saya kesini hari Minggu dan sepi. dan sebelum kesini, liat info di situs web kalo dia ada wifi nya. tapi, pas makan ternyata mereka gak ada wifi.terus pesen iga asam nya. rasanya enak. tapi nasi nya keras / pera' jadi ngurangin rasa enaknya. Tolong diperbaiki kedepannya ya.

  • James L


    I'm not a fan of their coffee, but I'm a BIG fan of their iga penyet :p cobain deeeeh.. Dagingnya empuk and juicy bangeeeet.. Kopi luwak ini makanan Indonesianya enak.. Gak harus minum kopinya :D

  • asriansyah


    The coffee is ok. The food is a bit on the bland side. The service is terrible. The tables are dirty and the place has so many flies. The floor is sticky.

  • yuhchienf


    Paling suka sama garang asam di kopi luwak. Rasa kuahnya enak dan dagingnya empuknya pas.. Rawonnya juga enak tapi saya lebih suka dengan garang asamnya. Harganya a little bit pricey tapi worth it ! 😊

  • ulkery2014


    Datang ke kopi luwak kokas, karena niat awalnya memang mau cari kopi. Akhirnya pesan hot coffee dan hot capuccino, untuk makan saya pesan Smoked beef dan mix risoles dan lumpia. Pesanan disajikan salad nya enak, dressing nya disajikan terpisah dari sayurannya, jadi buat yg sedang berusaha nurunin berat badan cukup aman. Mix risoles dan lumpia nya enak, porsi nya cukup besar. Capuccino nya disajikan gak terlalu creamy dan panas (suka sebel kalau pesen hot capuccino, ternyata saat dihidangkan hangat)

  • Refa D


    Ke Kopi Luwak bukan buat ngopi tapi buat nyobain kuah asam iga sapi Ternyata enak!Dagingnya empuk banget dan banyakKuahnya juga enak, rasanya pas

  • AliceA2499


    I always love their coffee also their dish, it's so great! A little pricey for foods but i think it's still worth every penny.This place also nice and i think this is one of many places in Epicentrum that still survived, it shows me that this place (and it's brand of course) are really good

  • Hamizan M


    I order two hot coffee latte and macaroni schotel on Tuesday (19/7/2016). It was raining outside, another coffee shop is full and Kopi Luwak is my only choice.It took about 15 minute to complete my order. A fast service is good, right?Then I taste the schotel and it was OK. Next, I turn to coffee, added a sachet of sugar, mix it, then drink.Sadly. I never thought that I would say this. It is the worst coffee I ever taste. Worst ever. I can hardly taste anything I recall as a coffee there, and the milk taste too creamy. I thought the milk taste just like full cream version of Indomilk, Frissian Flag, or Ultra Milk.I took another sip and still, it disappointed me. The coffee part feel watery, without any good nor bad scent, body or bitterness is in the lowest, no trace of acidity, no caramel like aftertaste or anything related to coffee aftertaste and it's price 37.500 before tax. For the same price though, or lower, you can find many coffee shops or stall with more decent taste.I guess, Kopi Luwak or Kopi Luwak on Epicentrum, especially, should leverage the quality of their coffee. Even if you mix it into 70% of milk, bad coffee still taste bad. And I guess the problem is in the coffee used for this drink, not the people who served it.I didn't try their single origin coffee, but I hope that menu taste's better.

  • khaifak2021


    Buat kalian pecinta kopi, di sini neh tempatnya.Suasany yang enak dan kopi2 ya banyak pilihan menuny ayo datang  dan cobain sendir ya menu2 d sini..kalo aku seh senengnya yang expreso nikmat banget deh. Soalny hargany terbilang murah seigni mah..Ayo datang dan cobain ya guys.

  • ameliah52


    Enak duduk santai sambil ngopi disini..kopi luwaknya boleh dicoba..lumayan strong kopinya bagi yg suka kopi wajib coba..tmptnya oke buat nongkrong lama..

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Kopi Luwak terletak di Epicentrum Walk, Lantai Ground, Jl. HR. Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Indonesia di dekat Epicentrum Walk, Kuningan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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