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Review Otosan


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  • Farahdilia P


    First of all, gotta say thank you very much to website team (Mr. William Tunggaldjaja & Shabrina Koeswologito) for the another meetup invitation and the owner Mr Irvan for the time by explaning menus at Otosan. 1 word: fun :)The place not too big with simple design. Service quite responsive yet friendly too. The only big minus at that time : HOT. Need extra effort to eat here because of that.Here's the reviewSalmon Soyu Don- Grilled salmon served with buttered rice and topping with fried garlic. Well cooked which quite crispy on the first bite. Love the butter. Yummmyy!Yellow Submarine- Mainstream fusion for a sushi with mango sauce. At first we thought cheese but cheese can't be yellowish. We don't see this mango as the main key here because can't really taste the mango which only get the sour tasteOkinawa Roll- This one healthy sushi served with wheat. It's light with lil crunchiness. But the taste not too good.Summer Spring Roll- If im not mistaken this one served with pear and vegs. Well plating and the taste quite ok.Cawan Pudding- Served as last menu for desert. Egg pudding with mapple syrup, vanilla bean and cheese as topping. Gotta say this one is a champ! Delicious!Suki- It contain chikuwa, enoki mushroom, oborosuki, horenso and beef slice. Served with 3 types of broth :*Otosan Sweet- This one we love the most among all of it. The sweetness just accurate in taste, boost appetite to eat more. Yum yum! Top notch!*Otosan Spicy- Can't say this one spicy enough but the taste quite good.*Tom Yum- It's too sour and it's not taste like Tom Yum.Drinks:Kyoho Kult- Grape with yakult. Love this one since this is one of their signature drinks here.Green Tea Kult- Green tea taste very dominant. Refreshing :)Overall, it's enjoyable resto with family or friends. Well service and not bad food. :)Thanks once more for the meetup and see u in another chance. Wish all the best to Mr Irvan and website team.

  • triokpiandri


    Yeay! Got invited to a situs web meetup!situs web meet up di Otosan suki ini adalah situs web meet up pertama saya. Tempatnya agak susah ditemukan karena palangnya ada di bagian atas. Patokannya sih di bagian bawahnya ada restoran B**gi kopitiam.Begitu duduk, saya dihadapkan ke daftar menu khusus.Menu-menunya antara lain:1. Salmon shoyu donsalmonnya enak, ada potongan bawang putih goreng diatasnya. Untuk nasinya adalah buttered rice, jadi jauh lebih gurih daripada nasi biasa. Untuk yang suka nasi, kalau sekali coba ini pasti pengen lagi hahaha2. Yellow submarine rollit's literally really yellow colored! Saya kira awalnya adalah keju, ternyata mango sauce. Tapi jangan pikirkan mango saucenya akan terasa manis kayak jus mangga, mangga yang ini lebih ke keju malah kalau menurut saya. Rasanya unik, tapi saya kurang suka karena ada gandumnya di dalam.3. Okinawa rollThis one, tepung gandumnya ada di luar. Ternyata tepung gandum yang diluar ini bikin rasa yang beda dan enak! Jadi sedikit crispy, dan nggak terlalu tajam gandumnya dibanding yellow submarine.4. Suki!saya nggak biasa makan suki hahaha. Ada jamur enoki, beef slices, sayuran, dan beberapa jenis bakso seafood. Untuk kuah saya coba yang spicy (good! not as spicy as i thought) dan tom yum soup (saya kurang suka karena asamnya beda dan kurang kental).5. Summer spring rollIni isinya lebih ke sayuran dan buah. Yup, buah. Ada buah pear di dalamnya. Rasanya enak untuk ukuran vegetable roll.6. Chawan PuddingThis one tastes v great!! Katanya ini berasal dari resep chawan mushi yang di sulap menjadi dessert. Teksturnya lembut, rasanya manis dan mereka pake mapple syrup untuk menggantikan saus caramel. Rasa dan teksturnya mirip sama creme brulee :D 7. Lychee kultmy first experience to try kult drink. Tastes awesome!! manis dan asam jadi satu. Untuk yang suka lychee atau biasanya pesan lychee ice tea kalau ke resto, saya rekomendasi untuk ganti dengan yang satu ini. Tetap light kok, teksturnya nggak kental creamy sama sekali.8. Green tea kultyang ini lebih manis daripada lychee kult. Setelah diminum, wangi greenteanya baru terasa. Perfect match, nggak berantem sama sekali. Untuk pelayanan, nice. Untuk tempat, kurang luas dan kurang dingin hehehe apalagi ini kan restoran suki, jadi uap dari rebusannya bikin sangat kegerahan hahaha. Ohiya katanya disini mereka pakai fresh salmon untuk semua menu yang ada salmonnya.Overall tempat ini cukup recommended untuk dikunjungi. Kalau kesini, jangan lupa coba chawan pudding dan kult drink-nya yaaaa

  • budi_baron


    Finally coba restoran ini juga. Pas nyari tempatnya agak bingung sedikit sih, restoran ini terletak di lantai 3 Gedung 57, dan plang restorannya cukup kecil jadi harus jeli sedikit. Tempat duduknya nyaman, pas banget untuk keluarga. Namun, agak cukup panas, AC-nya kurang banyak. Selain itu, karena kaca jendelanya cukup besar sehingga sinar matahari mudah masuk. Untuk makanan, karena saya ikut situs web meetup jadi hanya coba beberapa hidangan. Salah satu favorit saya adalah:Yellow Submarine:- Ini sushi dengan toping saus mangga. Mungkin agak aneh pas coba sedikit dan tidak semua orang bakalan suka. Rasanya tidak terlalu manis dan agak mirip rasa keju. Tekstur saus mangga yang sangat lembut mirip tekstur mayonaise.Salmon Soyu don:Grilled salmon dengan toping fried garlic. Ini kuakui enak banget rasa salmonnya. Sama sekali tidak amis dan tidak bau. Kematangannya pas. Ada rasa smoked-nya.Suki dengan kuah special sweet Otosan:Kuah ini menurut ownernya spesial. Karena diracik khusus. Sebenarnya ada beberapa jenis kuah yaitu: manis, asin, dan tom yum. Tetapi, cuma sempet coba yg manis. Overall enak sih. Apalagi kalau ditambah saus sambalnya yg seperti saus Thai (pedas) atau saus yg dengan wijen (manis). yumyumyumOverall tempat ini aku rekomendasikan untuk datang. Apalagi untuk keluarga, cocok banget!

  • GebonxzQ


    Although it is stated that their address is at Jl H Agus Salim, the fastest way to find Otosan is to go to the famous Jalan Sabang. If you go from Sarinah, Otosan will be on your right. Just find a building with Otosan logo on the second floor. A note for Otosan owner, you guys need to make a bigger sign :DOtosan is known for its Tom Yum. Mr Ivan told us the history about how they make it so perfectly that they need to keep trying out recipes for several times to finally have what they serve us now (this shows how serious they are doing the business, which is cool!). I have to say, I'm not a fan of Tom Yum, but theirs is yummy. Speaking of yummy, try their Kult, a yakult drink which has 4 different flavors; Kyoho, Lychee, Peach, and Green Tea. I tried Lychee and Kyoho Kult and I like both of them.I also like their Salmon Soyu Don, I think it was the best Salmon-don I've tasted so far. And then there's this Yellow Submarine Roll which was also tasted good. It was light and tasty I didn't feel full after eating the whole roll.They surely keep the best dish for last. The Chawan Pudding was awesome! It is a soft egg pudding topped with somekind of maple syrup and cheese. Best thing about this dessert is that the cheese on top added a rich flavor to the sweet pudding. Bravo, I'm a fan!Thank you Otosan, thank you website! Let's do this again soon :D

  • JusinJap


    Kami dari Overload Journals diundang untuk ikut ke acara situs web MeetUp di Otosan. Tempat yang terletak di Gedung 57, Menteng ini berkonsepkan minimalis dengan sentuhan kursi kayu dan juga sofa merah agar terlihat lebih comfy dan private.Untuk makanannya, kami dihidangkan 1. Salmon Soyu Don sebagai pembuka; semacam nasi butter dengan salmon 2. Yellow Submarine Roll yaitu sushi dengan mango sauce diatasnya 3. Suki yang terdiri dari jamur Enoki, Chikuwa, Oborosuki, Horenso, dan potongan daging. 3. Okinawa Roll 4. Summer & Spring Roll yaitu semacam sushi salad 4. Cawan Puding yaitu salah satu menu yang kami rekomendasikan ke kalian. Karena rasa vanillanya begitu harum dan enak. Untuk minumannya kami mencoba Lychee Kult. Beberapa opsi lain untuk dicoba adalah Kyoho Kult, Peach Kult, Green Tea Kult, Cold/Hot Ocha.

  • Keevanwood


    Kesan pertama untuk otosan adalah tempat yang sangat nyaman dengan view yang bagua dengan perpaduan keramaian jalanan dengan sejumlah makanan di pinggir jalan. Saya sendiri mencoba menu chicken katsu don... Secara taste sangat mengugah selera. Terutama nasi dan perpaduan katsu dan bumbu nya.... Dengan harga yang menurut saya pribadi sangat masuk akal untuk makanan dan tempat yang nyaman.. Layak untuk dipesan kembali...

  • joko budi S


    Meet up with foodies!!! Well, otosan suki cocok banget buat suki lovers, soup di otosan suki beda dr resto suki yang ada. Biasa resto suki lain hanya menyajikan dua macam pilihan rasa yang sudah umum, namun di otosan suki beda dari yg lain, mereka punya 3 jenis soup yaitu sweet, spicy and tomyum.. Jenis sweet dan spicy ini ga bisa kita temuin di resto resto suki lain.. Dari ketga jenis soup ini I prefer the sweet one!!!! Rasanya beda banget sama yang lain..Well ini menu yang disajikan1. Appetizer- salmon shoyu donNice salmon, butter and garlicnya pas bangett- yellow subrimarine rollDari katanya sudah bisa kita bayangin, sushi dengan topping berwarna kuning. Toppingnya menggunakan mango.- okinawa rollSushi yang dibalurin gandum2. Main courseApalagi kalau bukan suki!!! Suki dengan tiga jenis rasa soup yang berbeda.. Like it!!!3. Dessert- summer spring rollRoll yang diisi sayur-sayuran dan cucumber- chawan puddingOne word "yummy" :pThat's all about otosan suki.. Overall makanannya oke, cuma ada satu kekurangan, place was hot :)

  • Antony C


    Tucked into the busy street of Sabang street, Otosan is not hard to find.Good sunlight, but the air con could not beat the heat. :(Salmon Soyu DonA bowl of perfectly grilled salmon with butter rice. The fish was fresh, with no fishy smell at all,although it was quite a small slice. It was good to eat all of it in a scoop. The fried garlic on top made it even better (more garlic, please!).Yellow submarineSome might like it so much, some wouldn't even bother to give it another try. The yellow sauce was not cheese, which was a mainstream idea to cover up your sushi. Yes, this one was mango sauce. The flavor was blasting and gave a surprise right on the first bite. Okinawa rollI prefer this one than the others. The sushi was fresh with a hint of lotsa wheat covering the sushi. It was fresh, light, with crunchiness inside. It was something you might wanna have to have your afternoon snack. Fresh horenso, oborosuki, chikuwa, enoki mushroom, and beef slice for suki. They do have 3 different kinds of soup. Otosan spicy, Otosan sweet, and Tom Yam. I liked Otosan sweet the most, although I have to put some soup from Otosan spicy to make it better. The soup was really sweet and I did not think it would fit every taste bud well.Dessert was here and surely was the champion. My kind of palate cleanser : cawan pudding.A creation to improve the usual appetizer cawan mushi into not-so-usual cawan pudding. It was smooth, sweet, and topped with grated cheese which made it even greater. It was there to balance the sweetness they said.

  • nsofiandi


    Otosan Suki is a Japanese restaurant that specialized in serving Japanese food such as sushi and suki. The restaurant has been established for 8 years and they already have several outlets in Indonesia. Last weekend, I got a chance to try their food at their outlet at Menteng area. The restaurant itself is not really hard to find, it's located on the 3rd floor of Gedung 57 Building. You have to go through the "mini" lift to reach this restaurant.The restaurant itself is spacey though it's not really big, I reckon they can accommodate up to 60 people. The ambiance is cozy as the interior is mostly decorated with wood-colored things and wooden materials which reflect the concept of modern Japanese restaurant. Though I really love the decoration, I didn't really like the temperature inside the restaurant that day, I didn't really know why, but it was really hot that day even though the AC was turned on. Let's get started with their food!Salmon Shoyu Don (IDR 48k)Salmon Shoyu Don is rice served with salmon that has been sauteed with Otosan butter sauce and topped with nori and fried garlic. I was literally excited when I saw those super delicious and fragrant fried garlic on the top of the salmon. The sauteed salmon was heavenly delicious and not smelly at all, and it went really well with those fried garlic. I would say that this is the best salmon-based dish that I ever had in my life!Chawan Pudding (IDR 35k)Chawan Pudding is egg pudding topped with maple syrup, cheese and vanilla. This one tasted superb delicious! The egg pudding was soft and had a perfect level of sweetness, and the cheese did a great job in balancing the sweetness.SukiThe suki was served with three kinds of broth which were:Otosan Sweet : this one was too sweet for my liking, but it was getting better when I mixed the broth with my favorite fried garlic!Otosan Spicy : this one was lack of spiciness and flavor, it would be better if the taste was bolderTom Yum : the taste was literally too sourMy favorite was the beef slices, it was tender and tasted super delicious when paired with fried garlic. Oh! and I love how they decided to give fried garlic as the condiment for the suki!Peach Kult (IDR 29k)Peach Kult is basically yakult with a hint of peach flavor. The yakult flavor was strong and tasted pretty delicious and refreshing, it had balanced level of sweetness and sourness.Overall, I quite enjoyed my visit to Otosan Suki, the food they served tasted pretty decent and unique, the service was great and the place was nice. I have to say they had an amazing idea in serving various kinds of unique food, but it would be better if the taste was delicious and unique as well. Nevertheless, I can't stop admiring their Salmon Shoyu Don and Chawan Pudding, because it was super delicious!Thanks for having me Otosan Suki!

Lokasi Otosan

Otosan terletak di Gedung 57, Lantai 3, Jl. H. Agus Salim, No. 57, Menteng, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Jepang di dekat Jakarta. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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