Rumah Juliet
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Rumah Juliet


32 Ulasan



Rp 60.000 / Orang

Tanjung Duren

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Review Rumah Juliet


32 Ulasan

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  • Hamooty


    This is a vegan place and I'm not a vegan. So, I'm going to review this, like an uncultured swine.In pic:• Salted almond butter donut• Peanut chocolate cupcakes• Salted caramel cakeWell.. I have a little experience on savoury vegan dishes and cookies, but not their cake and when I try something new, of course I wish it's gonna be good.And it's good.I mean, not "oh, it's good for a vegan dessert"It's good as a dessert. Period.My favourite is their; Salted almond butter donut. Salty, sweet, the contrast between texture from it's cornflakes and the pluffy donut. It's so modest, yet satisfying.Peanut chocolate cupcakes; there nothing wrong with this one, it's moist, the chocolate melting as you cut through the cupcake. The only thing is.. I ate this right after I ate their donut, so it become subpar, since their donut already thriump on my taste bud 😂After those two, I order Salted caramel cake.. I'm summary it got the texture of their cupcake, and almost the same salty sweet taste as their Salted almond butter donut. Not gonna complain.I love everything I order, this is.. rare.The only cons is their location.It's quite secluded, you need to ask around even after you use website (but it's not that far from their Google map point), and there's no parking spot.Maybe you can order their food on food delivery apps, I tagged them, if you guys curious.I really wish this place a good luck, cause I need more of their donuts! 🍩Follow my Instagram for more of my fitness and food journal: glutton_stay_fit

  • yosuak2021


    Somehow i found out about this cafe at other review application & interested to try this cafe. Once i had food delivered by g*food & today i decided to had lunch here.This cafe is small, but decorated nicely & the waiter (probably) is friendly even when i come alone by take a walk. I ever come alone to a coffee shop at Tanjung Duren & in my opinion they aren't so friendly to me compared to other customer.When i arrived, there was nocother customer except me & when i want to order some menu, they come to my table although it's more convenient if i order some menu at the cashier.Today i want to tried their hot red wine chocolate & lsice cake. Unfortunately it wasn't available right now. So i tried their rose oolong Tea.The rose oolong tea served with real flower petal & i love the taste & smell of the tea I still can smell the flower when i drink it. Actually this is the best tea that i ever tried which is less than IDR 20k, and it come with a small pot. Really affordable.I also tried their doughnut and i love it. I didn't realize if it was a vegan since it had similar taste with usual doughnut. I' not fond of over sweet dessert & hesitate to order it. But turn out that the chocolate topping is tend to be bitter. This is the taste of doughnut which i'm looking for.And i also tried their tofu katsudon with mushroom soup. I should admit that the mushroom soup is different with usual mushroom soup. The taste is a little bit sour & i don't even know if it was mushroom soup if i don't look at the menu. But i like their tofu katsu although the seasoning isn't as strong as tofu katsudon that i had by g*food from this cafe.I think i will come back to this place for their tea & pastries.

  • ntlk158


    I dont know why i can only finish and crave the cake from here!Their peanut butter and chocolate cupcake is the best!! No other non-vegan cake can’t even compareI love the salted caramel cake tooThe cafe is small and hard tp find thats why i usually use g*jek to order their cakeU can also order their cupcakes and cake for party and gatherings

  • Hardy Y


    Visit here w/ Marianna Kurniadi and Jeje. Udah lama pengen kesini, baru sempet sekarang :)Intinya suka banget sama cakenya baik slice or cupcake. You should visit here !We start with limeade, iced tea with lemon slice and iced milk cocoa. For the main course we try ramen and spaghetti with mushroom alfredo. Dan kita tutup 🍰🍰 : pandan coconut, chocolate ganache, salted caramel, and peanut butter cupcake👻

  • Footprints757308


    ig : @kitagembulSeneng banget akhirnya kesampean juga mampir kesini. Karena perginya rame2 jadi bisa icip2 variasi makanan dsini. Sebenarnya varian makanan disini ga gitu banyak karena fokusnya lebih ke kopi,teh, dan cakenya. Pasta mushroom alfredo ini sebenernya enak tapi rasa dari creamy sausnya agak asinn.. Kibul lebih suka dengan pasta mushroom olionya.. lebih ngena di lidah dan asinnya pas.. Tofu katsudonnya punya tekstur yang crispy dan dilengkapi dengan saus siram kental2 gitu yang rasanya agak kemanisan.Oh iya kita bisa pesan whole cake juga disini sebagai kue ulang tahun buat keluarga dan kerabat juga.. Kemarin kibul pesan kue ulang tahun yang rasa chocolate green tea.. Kue ini pas banget deh buat kalian2 yang vegetarian.. Cake salted caramelnya juga enak..Dekorasi dan tempatnya bikin nyaman dan betah berlama2 disini 😍😍

  • Nila S


    Enak salted caramelnya. Harga lumayan terjangkau. Tempatnya cozy walau susah ditemukan soalnya di dalam gang, ga ada petunjuknya juga.Tapi lamaaaaa banget kopinya... Pesen simple coffee sama iced coffee aja nunggu 40 mnt...

  • Santhiaaa


    know this vegan-friendly place from a vegan friend of mine. tempatnya di gang gt dan gak mencolok, you might not notice ada tmpt ini 😂 inside pun kecil bgt cuma ada 5 or 6 tables gt. untung wkt itu ke sini weekday siang2 jd gaada orang ahaha waktu itu pesen Chocolate Lava Cake which was perrrrfeecctttt! gak kemanisan dan gak nyangka sih itu vegan gapake susu segala macem 😆 trus pesen Potato Nugget juga, rasanya so so sihh hehe trus pesen cakenya yg tiap hari ganti2 gitu merekaa tiap hari gak sama, wkt itu pesen yg greentea sm coklat tp menurutku kemanisan coklatnya😌 TRUS yg gemes dr tmpt ini tuh mereka provide surat gt kayak yg aku foto dan kita jg bisa tulis surat buat taro di sana gitu. sm mereka sediain semacam form buat kita isi, isinya tuh biodata trus sosmed kita sm kita mau nyari temen or cowok or cewek yg kyk gimana, nnti mereka bs pair us up gt lol tp udah stgh taon i gak dicontact apa2si 😂 tmn2 i jg gaada yg dpt info ap2 wkwk cuma yaudala ya iseng2 doang jg wkt itu 😂

  • Laszlo P


    Kemarin beli gluten free cocoa brownies nya via g***** dan ini enaak banget! very chocolaty, moist, manisnya pas banget dan harganya pun sangat terjangkau. Kapan-kapan bakalan datang langsung ke kafenya untuk coba menu lainnya

  • grandya


    Rumah juliet di jalan alpukat ini adalah rumah makan vegan yang tempatnya estetik banget. Pertama kali aku kesini karena kebetulan ada temen aku yang kerja disini.Makanan disini lumayan unik dan rasanya terjangkau. Btw sebelum ini aku juga udan pernah pesen makanan lain selain foto dibawah. Salted caramel cakenya itu enak banget kalian mesti cobain.Menu yang aku pesen ini spaghetti alfredo mushroom. Jadi spagettinya itu sendiri kita bisa ganti jadi fettucini. Sauce nya itu enak banget creamy tapi ga bikin enek mushroomnya juga banyak ya. Yang kedua ada greentea oatshake.. But actually ini matcha oatshake ya gais. Okay matcha oatshakenya ini juga enak dia agak kentel gitu ya secara dia pake oat gitu. Diatasnya juga di tambahin topping chia seed yang emang sehat banget buat kalian dan buat kalian yang mau DIET oatshake disini cocok bgt buat kalian karena bikin kenyangDi rumah juliet ini tempatnya estetik banget ya cantik. Pelayannya juga ramah ramah banget. Toiletnya itu bersih banget. Ya walaupun tempat nya ga gitu gede tapi cocok banget buat hangout kalo lagi pengen sendiri ataupun ngumpuk sama temen temen. Buat yang suka foto estetik disini juga cocok bgt tempat nyaPelayanan: 8.5/10Makanan : 9/10Kebersihan : 9.5/10So overall i give 9/10. Aku suka banget ya sama ambience and food disini seneng banget tapi mungkin kurang banyak variasi makanannya aja kali ya. Re-visit? Yes ofcourse aku pengen banget nyobain makanan lainnya disini

  • sampY797HS


    Ide tempatnya bagus, cocok banget buat vegan, karena disini semua yang berbahan dasar daging diganti sama sayuran. Tapi di lidah saya ngga cocok. Pasta w mushroom alfredonya bikin eneg. Trus curry ricenya juga biasa aja. Tapi harganya cukup pas di kantong, ga mahal. Poin plusnya lagi, pelayanan ramah.

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Rumah Juliet terletak di Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara, Alpukat 3 No. 52, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Kafe di dekat Tanjung Duren. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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