Voila Grill House
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Voila Grill House


23 Ulasan



Rp 128.000 / Orang

Pulo Gadung

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Review Voila Grill House


23 Ulasan

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  • dedy05


    Went here last week. Pesen linguine arrabita (kayaknya typo nih, arrabiata yg bener) with prawn sama sliced beef sandwich. Arrabita nya udah indo bgt, tomato sauce nya kemanisan dan dikasih telor setengah mateng diatasnya, not my taste. Prawnnya ok gede2. Nah sliced beef sandwich nya baru ok punya. Daging irisannya lumayan banyak dan sauce juga ok. But one thing I like most is their bread. Ga kayak roti sandwich biasa yg empuk kosong gitu tapi lebih mirip italian ciabatta yg agak bertekstur..loved it! Service cukup ok, even though perlu diperhatiin supaya order keluar barengan atau at least ga terlalu beda lama, kmrn makanan kedua baru dateng 5 menit setelah yg pertama. Masih agak sepi karena baru buka dan ada soft opening discount 20%. Definitely will come again..

  • stonewithnomoss


    Cafe baru di Rawamangun ini spacious dan nyaman.Terdiri dari dua lantai. Lantai 1 untuk area non smoking, Lantai 2 untuk smoking area. Interiornya cukup kekinian, tapi karena didominasi warna hitam, ruangannya terlihat agak gelap. Datang ke sini lagi nga terlalu lapar jadi hanya pesan :*Pan seared pacific dory with herb - ikan dorynya fresh terasa banget butternya...cukup yummy. Sebenarnya menu ini disajikan dengan buttermilk rice tapi waktu saya datang belum siap. Jadi diganti dengan mashed potato dan aauted veggie. Mashed potatonya lembut, enak. Sauted veggie yg terdiri dari brocolli, kembang kol dan wortel juga enak. Dengan potongan dori yang cukup besar dan rasa yang lumayan enak harga 55k termasuk lumayanlah cukup terjangkau.* Melted cheese fries - porsinya cukup untuk sharing, rasanya cukup enak. Cocok untuk ngemil cantik. Friesnya renyah, tidak berminyak tapi melted cheesenya kelihatannya kurang banyak.Menu yang saya coba untuk taste termasuk lumayan ok.Tapi food platingnya masih kurang begitu menarik. Next time pasti akan kembali untuk mencoba menu lain, terutama steaknya yang merupakan speciality cafe ini.

  • Dicky S


    This new grill house is still giving 10% discount for their soft opening! I don't know why every time I walk passed by this restaurant, it always looks quiet. Because it's actually good! I guess not many people know this place.The decoration is simple but looks sophisticated, elegant, and bright. I didn't go to the second floor but I think it's pretty too. The staffs were friendly, quick, and helpful. The food is delicious and affordable. It's only 80k for a 200gr Sirloin Steak with sauce and 2 side dishes! We can pick a sauce out of many options (they have black pepper, cream mushroom, red wine sauce, BBQ, and so on). Also, we can pick our own side dish (not just french fries or mashed potato like in other restaurants).I chose BBQ sauce with french fries and corn soup in milk, while my sister chose red wine sauce with french fries and onion ring. My parents ordered Japanese Tofu Salad with peanut sauce. It was the first time I tasted salad with peanut sauce and it's surprisingly good! I also like the french fries because it's already seasoned. Everything tasted great :) definitely will go back there soon.

  • kabulllll


    Cozy and spacious when I enter the place for the first time on saturday night. The waiters were very nice, came to our table and started to ask, they even helped us explain the menu. We didn't really plan to eat heavy food, but then we saw steak in the menu, so we decided to tryThe steak turned out very good, for 200gr we only pay IDR 80,000 such an affordable place for a good taste of steak. The beef is so tender and juicy, the sauce is great. Voile ice tea became obe of my favorite drink, so fresh, not too sweet but I can still feel the strawberryOver all we had a great dinner and satisfied with the food and place

  • Vita E


    Baru banget ke tempat ini kemarin, di deretan jl. Sunan. Tempatnya cantiiiik bgt kayanya seru kalo buat celebrate something deh. Kemarin krn udah makan jd pesen french fries yg atasnya ada melted cheesenya aseli enak!! Trs beli garlic breadnya juga yaaa so so deh tp porsinya banyak dan pesen jugak carbonara linguini aseliiiii enak bgt, creamnya dapet trs tambahan eggnya juga endulita sesuai porsi daku sih ya. Buat makanan dan platingnya buat daku sih eye catching dan yumm bgt👅👅 harganya sih karena daku anaknya hemat bgt ini masih termasuk mahal shay~~ namanya juga mahasiswa~~ tapi kebayarsih sama tempatnya yg cucok. Nah buat tempat, unfortunately, tempatnya dalem plosok abis jdnya susah pasti buat temuin ini tempat kalo ga anak rawamangun. Tapi gapapa deh biar hard to get~~ pelayannya juga ramah2 bahkan daku sama teman2 berisik aja mereka slow bgt, pelayanannya juga cepet~~ endeuslah~~ bakal kesini lagi. Btw bisa gaksih buat celebrate? Kena charge ga ya? Thankyou;)

  • hendra_tn


    Awalnya iseng cari2 tempat yg enak diseputaran rawamangun.. Memang sengaja cari makanan berat alias bukan sekedar pasta / cakes.. Soalnya belum makan dari pagi.. 😂 Dateng pas long wiken n siang2 tempatnya sepi banget.. Mungkin karena blm banyak jg orang yg tau sama restoran nya.. Tp overall tempatnya cozy.. Musik nya enak2 diputer nya.. Sound system nya jg jernih.. Nyobain makan steak yg ktnya jagoan disini.. tenderloin pake mash potatoes & onion rings utk side dish nya, n saus mushroom sama BBQ utk saus nya.. Btw yg di foto itu rib eye pake saus jagung susu.. Yummy banget rasanya.. Dan ternyata.. Emang enak steak nya yg saya pilih.. Tingkat kematangan nya pas (waktu itu pilih medium rare) dan ketebalan dagingnya jg pas.. Dipadu sama saus, onion rings n mashed potatoes jadi tambah manteb rasanya.. Recommend deh buat yg lg mau makan steak.. Saya pasti bakalan dateng lg kesitu.. 😊

  • yohanesnjaya


    Voila Grill House is the new addition of Rawamangun F&B scene and currently they give 10% off for the soft-opening. On April 8th, they'll give you 30% off on the steak for the grandlaunching! The steak was great--I ordered it medium and it turned out nicely. I paired it with coleslaw and cream corn soup, along with cream mushroom sauce. Coleslaw was refreshing, but I found the cream corn soup too greasy. Yes, I get the point that corn soup is suppose to be corn with a few sip of soup, but Voila's version was lots of corn (please note the LOTS!), with a few spoon of cream and oil on top of the corn :( the cream mushroom was helping to ease the oily sensation from the soup though, yeay for that! Also ordered fried wild mushroom, and I was surprised myself to see the BIG portion of it. It wasn't as crunchy as I expected to be, and the only flavor I could taste was the drizzle of thousand island on top of the dish. The pricing was affordable (for the portion served), but I should say they probably should make some improvement regarding the flavoring. The place was quiet and comfortable, with a lil bit of industrial feeling to it. The service was reaaaally nice, as the waiters took initiative to refill the ice tea before my glass was empty and asked us whether we enjoy the meal or not. I'm waiting for future improvement, Voila!

  • karthikpsc


    Pertama kali kesini krn deket kantor, emm tempatnya rada masuk sih jd mungkin ga begitu keliatan banyak orang .Tempatnya nyaman siihh .. Sampe kita betah banget ngobrol, eh apa kitanya yg doyan gosip gatau lah yaa, tp pas akhir2 kecium asap rokok . Hmmmm .Aku coba pasta chicken alfredo, dengam sauce creamy, menurutku rasanya yummy, enaaakkk, puaass .Aku icip2 punya temen grill fishnya agak asin sih, trs coba crispy chicken jg, biasa aja sih . Menurutku bumbu barbeque apa lada hitamnya itu kurang berasa .Selamat mencobaaaa .. ~~~😁😁

  • ronayanti r


    Just try this restaurant yesterday and I feel satisfied. Letaknya deket bgt sm rumah tapi mostly sepi, mgkn karena letaknya kurang oke / kurang promosi. But this is absolutely worth to try resto. Tempatnya cozy bgt dan karena ga terlalu rame jadi enak bgt buat nongkrong.Pasta Squid Ink nya enak, cm di minus di cheese nya yg kurang greget. Spring Chicken juga enak tapi untuk side dish nya kurang (hanya mash potato). Fish & Chips nya oke, also Fish with herbs menu. Sorry kalo nama mkanan nya salah, lupa2 inget nama detailnya kemarin heheGa sempet cobain appetizer /dessertnya krn keburu kenyang. Fav things, some of the food especially steak menu, will also include not just 1 but 2 side dish & 1 sauce. Kalo mau cari tempat nongki atau makan steak dgn harga terjangkau dan suasana yg ga crowded, well I recommend you to try Voila :)

  • panangianproperties


    This restaurant location not so far from the main road. I ordered pasta aglio olio with prawn and melted cheese. They also gave us bread and butter as an entrée. So far, the food was fine.

Lokasi Voila Grill House

Voila Grill House terletak di Jl. Sunan Drajat No.19, Pulo Gadung, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Bistik di dekat Pulo Gadung. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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