Francis Artisan Bakery
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Francis Artisan Bakery


32 Ulasan



Rp 35.000 / Orang

Summarecon Mall Serpong, Serpong Utara

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Review Francis Artisan Bakery


32 Ulasan

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  • Irvin T


    Pertama kali nyobain Francis di GI ketika saya masih bekerja di sekitaran Mall tsb. Langsung jadi urutan favorit pertama saya untuk Bakery dan menggeser semua bakery lainnya. I have a sweet tooth, so chocolate bread is a must.Dan serunya, menurut saya chocolate bread disini oke bgt, filling chocolate gila gilaan (Choco Bun, definetely) tapi ga terlalu manis dan ga bikin gumoh. Dark chocolate and creamcheese, banana choco, choco mocca, kohi mocca, choco orange semuanya enak. Selain chocolate variannya yg lain juga enak bgt kok, dan banyak rasa yg ga kepikiran ada di bakery lain. Harga satu roti nya cukup mahal, tapi worth it krn tebal dan bikin kenyang. Ibaratnya tiga roti sebelah jadi satu roti Francis dalam segi porsi! Definetely recommended, dan harus segera lebih banyak outlet nya!

  • Alvin S


    My all time fav bakery shopTheir chocolate bun is to die for! Aku suka coklat yang aga pait gitu dan mereka nya persis sama yang kaya aku pengen, pokoknya the best, 5 pcs cuman 25rb aja murmerSkrg aku lagi demen sakura sm chocolate mochi bread kalo ga salah ya aku ga inget namanya, lumayan mahal si soalnya 14k satu pcs dan itu lumayan kecil ukurannya, tp semua terbayar oleh rasanya yang super endes, enak sekaliSama pernah bberapa kali beli loaf breadnya juga ok kok cm klo emg buat berhari2 ga enak mgkn karna ga pake pengawet juga x yaHarganya si yah you pay what you get, kualitasnya oke banget. Pokoknya haeus coba yang mochi bread sm yang choco bun

  • JaRdel10


    This might be my 100th visit of Francis. I remember going to Francis on the weekdays around 11 a.m so I don’t have to queue. Not gonna lie, their take on healthy artisan bread is what got me hooked. They have a bunch of unique flavor that I’ve never tried before. All of their bread are crisp on the outside but remarkably soft on the inside. Although it contains no preservatives, the breads are still soft and fluffy the next day. And if you find it became though on day 3 or 4, just reheat it in the microwave. Always works wonders for me.This branch has a very inconsistent service. I kinda have a love hate relationship with it. One day the service was top notch, the other day, some waitress just cut my way without saying anything. Although this branch serves more tester compared to the Grand Indonesia's branch.Cranberry TaroCranberry, Walnut, Taro Paste. One of my favorite bread from Francis! Mainly because of their smooth taro paste. They should start on putting taro paste in every bread lol. I love it that much!Choco Bun (IDR 20,000)Melted Chocolate, Chocolate Chips, Choco Powder. My second favorite from their selection. For IDR 20,000 you get 5 chocolate loaded bun. The size is quite small, like dinner rolls but boy oh boy, do they pack a punch of flavor! I can’t never get enough of this one.Kohi Mocca (IDR 32,000)Coffee, Walnut, Mocha Chocolate, Chocolate Chips. I love mocha! So this is my foolproof choice. The mocha is very fragrant but the bread is quite dry, just a heads up! However, there’s chocolate chips here and there which was a nice touch.Choco Banana (IDR 24,000)Chocolate, Banana, Cheddar Cheese. If you love banana, you’d love this one! That cute blocks of cheese tho.Matcha Mochi (IDR 24,000)Matcha, Red Bean, Mochi, Custard. Again, this one is quite dry. However, I like their filling’s consistency. The mochi is really supple and bouncy.Black Sesame KinomiCranberry, Raisin, Walnut, Almond, Black sesame. OHH! Major love for this one. I thought this one is supposed to be their seasonal / special bread but if they make it permanent, they’re making a right choice. This no-filling bread is topped with Cranberry, Raisin, Walnut, Almond, Black sesame, and drizzled with honey. So sweet, so indulgent, so delicious! Might be my number one favorite!Chocochip Walnut (IDR 29,000)Chocolate chips, Walnut. This one is just okay. It’s medium sized, quite tough, but feels very healthy lol.Dark Choco Creamcheese (IDR 26,000)Another favorite of mine! I do love me some cream cheese and they’re being very generous.Blueberry Fuji Pastry with blueberry on top. For the price tag, I would assume this one taste so good. But it might be just because of the size, not to mention they are using pastry sheets. I thought the blueberry would be the filling in this bread but turns out, it’s just a swirls on top. This bread was so dry though, my least favorite of all.Sakura MochiJapanese Mochi Bread, Black Sesame Seeds. Bought it because it looks cute and I do love their mochi filling consistency. But for a whooping IDR 10,000 I’d add another IDR 10,000 and get the Choco Bun instead. Snowy MilkMilk Powder, Buttercream. It’s soft but was just okay. Nothing special.Snowy ChocolateChoco Milk Powder, Chocolate Buttercream. It’s basically chocolate infused snowy milk. Again, nothing special.

  • iingtanzil


    Gua termaksud orang yg suka sama roti. Francis ini termaksud roti favorite gua. Roti francis buat gua si enak. Buat harga & rasa sebanding. Hampir semua roti francis ini pakenya gandum jd lbh bagus. Tekstur rotinya renyah diluat tp lembut bgt dalemya. Roti fav gua cranberry taro, choco bun, chocochips & walnut. Sering bgt pokoknya beli francis & gapernah kecewa & bosen.

  • KathyKeket


    Francis berbeda dari bakery lainnya, karena ukuran rotinya yang lebih besar. Meskipun harganya lebih tinggi, tapi worth it kok. Suasana tokonya oke, servicenya juga bagus, cepet gak terlalu antri panjang banget.Untuk roti gua coba french bread puding rasanya gak terlalu manis dan bagian dalam rotinya juga lembut. Selain itu gua juga cobain smoked cheese & mushroom, enakk apalagi cheesenya bikin nagih.

  • mjrumi


    Pertama kali coba, tenyata enak enak semua rotinya dan yang paling menarik adalah tidak semua roti yang disajikan mempunyai basis rasa manis, tapi ada yang agak asin dan gurih juga.Yang paling disukai dari Francis adalah:-kohi moca-choco Bun-duo olive and cheese-edamame spinach-dark choco and creamcheese-choco banana-dark choco toast-flaxseed toast-cheesy asparagus

  • Indah D


    Japanese bread yang baru buka selalu memukau hati gw entah kenapa mulai dari choco bunnya yang uda harganya murah rasanya enak pula, Nah kali ini gw nemuin salah satu roti yang namanya double cheedar enak banget rasa cheesenya mantep gtu ga begitu asin pas rasanyaSkrg jd lebih sering beli disini deh roti2 nya daripada di toko sebelah, cocok banget sih

  • striviana


    My new Favourite BakeryToko roti yang mengusung tema French Bakery ini dekorasi-nya serba kayu dan nuansa warna serba coklat. Pas banget buat ambience bakery.Menu roti-nya sudah tersedia beserta tester-nya. Jadi pelayanan juga cepat, tinggal ambil & antri bayar di kasir.Roti yang gw pilih kali ini Custard Sweet Bun dan Choco Pistachio Mango.* Custard Sweet BunSoft bread dengan filling vanilla custard. Tekstur roti-nya empuk dan lembut. Filling custard-nya harum banget & rasa manis-nya pas.* Choco Pistachio MangoRoti dengan filling dried mango, mango chocolate dan pistachio. Taste mango-nya cukup strong. Pistachio & chocolate-nya cukup light. Mnrt gw rasanya yang unik dan menarik. Bisa jadi salah satu menu favorit di sini.Overall I love its bread quality and store ambience. (131116)

  • sujanimade


    Currently my favorite bakery! Sejak kenal sama bakery ini, ga pernah lagi belanja roti di bakery sebelah. Menu2 rotinya banyak banget dan inovatif bgt. Favoritku Dark Choco Creamcheese! Bener2 enakkkk. Selain itu yg aku suka juga Choco Bun (murah, isinya banyak, enak!) dan Kohi Mocca.

  • TitisL1


    Akhirnya nemu Francis di SMS! Hahaha. Tempatnya nyempil banget, lokasinya di belakang iBox (akhirnya tau setelah nanya mas2 information). Sebelumnya udah pernah nyobain Francis yang di GI, and I loved their breads. So I was really excited that they opened a store near my home.Kemaren waktu di Francis GI, nyobain choco cream cheese and floss something (forgot the exact name, isinya semacem abon gitu pedes2 endes haha). Love both. Kali ini nyobain double cheddar, sakura mochi, choco mochi, sama sausage croissant. Yang udah dicobain baru double cheddar dan enyakkkk. Kejunya dipotong2, ga diparut jadi berasa, dan isinya banyakk. Kejunya sih rasanya kayak keju kr*ft biasa sih, tapi tekstur rotinya ga kayak tetangga2 yang harganya lebih murah. Padet, crispy, buttery. Enak deh pokoknya. Plus ukurannya yang gede abis.Di outlet sini testernya lebih lengkap (kemaren di GI, I didn't spot any tester), hampir di semua roti dikasi tester. Nyokap yang emang lagi rada laper akhirnya nyomotin aja satu2 hahaha.The staff were full of smiles and super helpful. Great services.Overall, kayaknya sih pasti balik lagi untuk nyobain roti yang lainnya. Tadi pas lagi bayar nyobain testernya smoked chicken mushroom something, dan enyakkk. Looks like it will be on my list for my next visit.

Lokasi Francis Artisan Bakery

Francis Artisan Bakery terletak di Summarecon Mall Serpong, Lantai Ground, Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong, Serpong Utara, Tangerang.Ini adalah restoran Roti di dekat Summarecon Mall Serpong, Serpong Utara. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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