Island Creamery
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Island Creamery


40 Ulasan



Rp 75.000 / Orang

Flavor Bliss, Serpong Utara

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Review Island Creamery


40 Ulasan

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  • Silas P


    Hi sahabat makan! Baru sempat buka situs web dan review sedikit tentang tempat makan ice cream enak, yak salah satunya adalah Island Creamery, lokasinya di Flavor Bliss.Pertama, tempatnya cukup menarik. Terdapat ornamen berupa foto cetakan postcard yang ditempelkan hampir tiap pilar bagian dalam sisi jendela etalase, dan memberikan nuansa unik tersindiri. Dibagian agak belakang terdapat meja anak warna warni dan beberapa pensil yang sudah disiapkan untuk mewarnai atau menggambar, sehingga aktifitas si kecil dan makan enak bisa kita dapatkan di restaurant island creamery ini.Kedua dari bagian review ini tentang dessertnya. Kebetulan saya hanya pesan dua macam jenis dessert, yang pertama adalah Mad Berries dan kedua saya lupa namanya 😅. Mad Berries rasanya enak, thick, manis strawberry, diatasnya terdapat topping berupa slice segar buah strawberry, potongan bulat cake red velvet, dan whip cream dan lelehan syrop strawberry. Pesanan kedua yang saya lupa namanya, toppingnya lebih dahsyat lagi. Dibagian atasnya ada cookies dengan bermacam bentuk, slice buah segar pisang, marshmallow, sauce cokelat, rasanya thick dan manis, cokelat nya enak.Terakhir overall menyenangkan untuk menikmati dessert disini bersama keluarga atau rekan kita. Mengingat dessertnya cukup mengeyangkan ada baiknya sebelum atau sesudahnya kita makan main course yang tidak terlalu besar porsinya, sayangkan kalau dessertnya ngga habis karena perut full duluan 😋Salam sahabat makan!

  • zula_ecep


    Craving for lunch in this restaurant. I ordered original mac & cheese and chessy korean fried chicken. The mac&cheese tasted good and creamy, although it was served with delay from the kitchen and almost getting cold when it arrived at the table. However, I tasted that there was a bit of cheese topping that it was added just after it had been fully cooked, so there was a texture like a blocky-unmelted cheese. The cheesy korean fried chicken tasted quite not bad, but the cheese was dry and the size of the chicken pieces was too small that you couldn't pick it up with a fork. Then, move to the dessert, a scoop of cookies and cream which I liked it so much, well a quite of advantage, tho..

  • SnowCrys


    I and my friend was looking for a place that supports us to work on a laptop for quite sometime. And on the other side, my friend was craving for an ice cream. So i thought Island Creamery was nice, lets. When we get there we smoked ciggaretes before buying the ice cream. The waitress was like giving us an attitude, while we’re asking for an ash tray. She was looking at us as if we’re not going to buy their ice cream but we’re latching on the space to work. We tried to act cool and started to be friendly at first. When we said thank you, they were giving us the silent treatment. We’re kinda wondering what we did that she was doing that to us. Aside from that, the ice cream’s quality was not so great anymore. The Rainbow ice cream has too much of the cake texture rather than the ice cream itself. Well, besides the waitress, the male worker tho... they were nice.

  • Jejdhdudjdjjxxjxj


    Bayar service di bill tetapi pelayanan nya sucks. Senyum aja kagak bilang terima kasih juga nol besar. Beli ice cream rasa salted caramel pas di scooped dari etalase bentuk dah 1/2 cair tetapi tetap di sajikan ke customer. Gak ada sop penyajian nya yah?!!!

  • Piter78


    Had me its’ Chocolate Banana Waffle, yang terdiri dari dua potong waffle, potongan pisang, siraman saus karamel, dan es krim coklat dengan kunyahan-kunyahan di dalamnya yang gue lupa namanya apa. It’s very delicious, but I’m a bit disappointed by the waffles. Waffle dari Island Creamery bisa dibilang kopong (biasanya bahasa inggrisnya “rather airy”) dan kurang padat. Meskipun hasil panggangannya sesuai dengan selera gue, yaitu garing dan sedikit gosong, tapi rasanya ada yang kurang nendang. Untungnya diselamatkan dengan segala topping dan pelengkap lain yang ada di piring itu. Gue senang banget dengan pilihan es krimnya yang banyak dan rasa-rasa yang unik. Harganya cukup bersahabat, kok.

  • FebyS86


    Tempat buat makan dessert terenak! Walaupun harganya cukup mahal tapi tetep enak! Wajib coba yg chocolate lava cake! Juara bgt coklatnya banyak dan ga pahit.

  • linbud


    Kemarin sempet mampir ke sini sebentar terus nyobain ice cream dan milkshake nya. Untuk ice cream nyoba yg ferrero rocher dan very berry. Overall gue suka sama rasanya. Terus sempet nyoba juga yg chocolate (lupa namanya) sama timtam milo gitu, ini juga enak menurut gue krn gak kemanisan dan gak bikin enek.Untuk milkshake gue lupa namanya apa, pokoknya di atasnya ada red velvet nya gitu. Ini juga enak! Rasanya seger dan manisnya pas gak seperti milkshake pd umumnya yg kadang kemanisan. Overall kusuka Island Creamery!

  • ronald l


    Life is like the best ice cream.. A plan for one special event that brought me to this place.. Island creameryApparently, some people had used the upper space for their party.. hmm must be really cool to throw a party here.I would visit this Island not because of the sweet vibe but because of the delicious ice cream … (I scream for island creamery ice cream) Check out the website, see the commitment to make the best ice cream using premium ingredients with pure flavor. It is the best freshly made ice cream indeed.. just like life Cheers!

  • FiyazIsmath


    One of my favourite ice cream places around that I get easily crave for.I personally extremely recommend their mud pie around 40ish if I'm not mistake?But anyway, they have unique texture and one of my favourite flavours is lychee rose. It's pastel pink in colour and tho it's too sweet, I actually really like it.

  • dynamitzz


    es krimnya teksturnta creamy dan milky, enak sih kalo suka susu yang kental banget , tempat santai enak buat cemil-cemil cantik, cuma es krimnya manis bgt, kalo suka es krim manis bgt ccok ksni

Lokasi Island Creamery

Island Creamery terletak di Flavor Bliss, Jl. Alam Sutera Boulevard, Serpong Utara, Tangerang.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Flavor Bliss, Serpong Utara. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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