


33 Ulasan


Rp 175.000 / Orang

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  • jeanicew2019


    The place is not hard to find but it will be if you're from Plaza Senayan.The place is quite interesting and you got the japanese feeling from this place.I ordered sirloin set and it is very delicious! I came with my friends and they love it too!The price is definitely worthes!!

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  • Febi M


    Udah 2 kali kesini, pork katsu set nya enak dan unik, bumbunya giling sendiri. Kali kedua saya pesan semacam semur pork belly, rasanya kurang enak, jadi tetep recommend katsu set saja next time.

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  • utheeee_


    Best katsu i've ever eat at jakarta. At first when i see the price it's so pricy but after tasting their katsu my thoughts about the price is gone. Nice place to eat. If you just wanna drinking some beer don't forget to order some shrimp head as a snack.

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  • Jordan A


    A restaurant that is focused on serving katsu so we tried the pork tenderloin katsu and pork sirloin katsu nabe set. First they will provide you with an empty bowl and wood crusher for you to crush the sesame seeds for your katsu sauce. It's fun to hand crush the seeds and 2-3 spoons of sesame and 3 spoons of katsu sauce is perfect. A little thick but you can enjoy the taste of fresh crushed sesame seeds.Their pork is indeed good and the batter is perfect. Personally, I like the nabe version because the egg and sauce give you the sweeter taste and still maintaining the pork loin.After meal, we tried the thai tea ice cream cup sold by another brand served in the restaurant. IDR 22K a cup is not bad for this ice cream.The pricing is not that favorable though. IDR 160K for the pork sirloin set and IDR 25K for the green tea is quite pricey imho. But if you want to try the best pork katsu in town, this should be in your list.

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  • Apridita Dwi S


    Kemaren pesen pork katsu sama chicken katsu nabenya.Buat chicken nabenya enak seperti biasanya, cuma kali ini pork nya terlalu berminyak sehingga banyak yg ga termakan..

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Lokasi Katsusei

Sentral Senayan 1, Lantai Basement, Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Senayan, Jakarta

Katsusei terletak di Sentral Senayan 1, Lantai Basement, Jl. Asia Afrika No. 8, Senayan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Jepang di dekat Jakarta. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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