


5 Ulasan


Rp 75.000 / Orang

Kota Kasablanka, Tebet

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Review Lucaffe


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  • Andrew P


    Udah coba yang di Kota Kasablanka, lokasinya di Food Society sebelahnya Sunny Side Up.Disini ada beberapa macam brewed coffee yang harus dicoba kalau suka kopi. Jadi kopinya itu ada 4 macam, bisa Latte, Capuccino, Long Black sama Espresso kalau gak salah. Terus flavour atau campurannya bisa dipilih. Saya coba Capuccino dengan flavour Cream Caramel. Nah bedanya disini, cream caramelnya bukan dicampur tapi diinfused di kopinya. Untuk harga Iced atau Hotnya sama kok. Menurut saya dari segi harga standar coffee shop dan cukup terjangkau, harganya seperti Bengawan Solo Coffee.

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  • Roger Y


    Been here twice for their Blucaffe cappuccino which I very much like and will definitely come back for more of these! I think this shop is newer than the one in Pacific Place (not sure though). I first tried Blucaffe cappuccino at Lucaffe shop in Pacific Place and since then have visited the coffee shop pretty often because it's very close from the office. Coffee lovers must try Lucaffe's coffee. Trust me, you'll love your coffee here! :)

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  • Aulia M


    "Perfect Coffee.."Lucaffé is a tiny little coffee shop in the Food Society section of KoKas. Their selection is very limited to just coffee and the like. I ordered their Cappuccino and I thought it was perfect. The cup size was quite big as well. The only reason why I can't rate this place a perfect 5 is the fact that the employees can smoke and that the smoking section is really not that far away from the non-smoking. I was practically holding my breath when I had to punch in my PIN number as I paid with a debit card.

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  • LinyTan


    Great service, nice coffee, the place are quite cozy. This place really specialize in coffee, perfect for coffee enthusiast. They also give some free biscuits to accompany your coffee time.

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  • jstyt


    Karena dulu ngantor di SCBD sering banget ke Lucaffe yang di sana. Outlet yang di Kokas ini lebih kecil dari yang di SCBD, tapi tempatnya terasa cozy buat saya. Selain coffeenya saya juga suka minum Hot chocolate di Cafe asal Italy ini... rasa coklatnya terasa enak dan mewah.Recommended.

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Lihat Semua

Lokasi Lucaffe

Kota Kasablanka. Lantai Upper Ground, Food Society, Jl. Casablanca Raya, Tebet, Jakarta

Lucaffe terletak di Kota Kasablanka. Lantai Upper Ground, Food Society, Jl. Casablanca Raya, Tebet, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Hidangan penutup di dekat Kota Kasablanka, Tebet. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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