
Rolly's Thai Roll Ice Cream


34 Ulasan


Rp 30.000 / Orang

Kuningan City, Kuningan

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Review Rolly's Thai Roll Ice Cream


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  • JonathanCFGanteng


    Berawal dr iseng searching di situs web utk mall kuningan city, krn blkgan lg sering ksana nemenin nyokap..Alhasil nemu lah, Rolly's roll icecream ini..Akhirnya pas kmrn ke Kuncit, misah sama nyokap krn gw mw ke Rolly's di lt.3!Begitu naek ke lt.3 lgsg liat foodcourt, kirain Rolly's ada di foodcourt tsb.. Ternyata tidak!Rolly's ada di luar foodcourt, tepat di stall sblh foodcourt.. (Dsna byk tenant jajanan gtu, pop-up apalah gtu disebut nya)Oke.. Lgsg aja gw order Rolly's..Pas kmrn gw beli, ada promo free 3 topping (yeay!)So..Step 1: choose the base ice cream flavor.Ada vanila-choco-greentea-yoghurt (i choose choco)Step 2: choose the (3) toppings!Ada bbrpa topping yg bisa di mix ke dlm icecream, ada yg tdk bisa di mix (but sorry, iwas forgot whats that)I choose banana (mix in icecream), strawberry & marshmallow.Step 3: wait for makes the ice cream..Rolly's ga pakai nitrogen kyk brand sblh yg menyebut diri mereka "blablabla nitrogen ice cream"Rolly's pake semacam pan yg super duper cold! Sampai mas2 (unyu) si icecream makers nya tuh hrs bersihin biang es yg muncul di pan, kl pan-nya kelamaan ga di pake.. 😅😅😅And fiola.. Rolly's icecream done!! (Done ke perut juga lgsg) 😀😀😀Utk rasa..Gw suka bgt!Di mix dgn baik, jd rasa nya tuh blend bgt antara choco icecream sma banana nya & entah mengapa, gw merasa tekstur icecream nya tuh lembut bgt gtu..Tp sayang nya, cukup cepat meleleh. Jd mkn nya agak sdkt ngebut kl di mkn sendirian & ga mw mkn icecream leleh gtu 😔😔😔But overall, it's so good taste!!I'll back there every accompany my mom there..Ah, just advice.. Please open for another store soon..I didn't really like that mall! 😅😅😅

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  • masalloy


    Rolly's Thai Roll Ice Cream ini benar" beda dengan ice cream yang ada pada umumnya, perbedaannya sebenarnya hanya di bentuk & cara pembuatannya. Porsinya cukup besar, bisa di share 2-3 orang. Pesan sea horse, ice cream green tea yang di mix dengan oreo, enak rasanya ga terlalu manis juga, tapi kenapa kemarin ga dipakein whip cream yah?

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  • TimDyer2014


    It was hot out there, so it is the perfect time for some ice cream. I just found out that there are a roll ice cream seller nearby. So me and my friends went there immediately. It is almost the same with ordinary ice cream but what makes it different is the making process and the final form of the ice cream.They have four ice cream flavors and those are vanilla, chocolate, green tea, and yoghurt. They also offer a lot of various toppings, even I can't remember it all. Most of all, they also offer whipped cream and it is FREE.So I decided to order the vanilla one. LUCKILY there was a promotion where I can get three free toppings. I am very excited about this. I picked strawberry, mango, and some Oreo that were going to be mixed with the ice cream. I also requested for the FREE whipped cream.I waited quite long though, since there are many customers waiting to be served with this unique ice cream. But the taste of the ice cream was worth the wait. It is not too sweet, and its portion was HUGE !! You can share it for 2-3 people. The amount of strawberry and mango are quite disappointing. The whipped cream is tasteless. I suppose it has to be sweet. Meh what can I expect, it was free anyway :P

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  • astyara


    Been a while since i explored Kuncy 3rd floor. Last 3 months there are pop stores near the food court arena. One that catched my attention is Rolly's. So it's an ice cream Aesthetically made by rolling some thin layers of ice cream. So far they offered 4 flvor (green tea, choco, vanilla and yoghurt) and promotion price is 25k/cup with free 3 topping and whipped cream. I ordered vanilla with chopped kitkat, topped with almond and raisins. No whipped cream since the whipped cream is just a plain whipped cream. They also have some Original Combis or you can just DIY you ice cream. The Ice cream is light and not too sweet and takes around 3 minutes preparation per cup. Lucikly i didnt hv to queue since i came @730pm. I'll be back soon to try another flavour because it's not a permanent store in Kuncy. :9

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  • annafif2017


    Tau tempat ini dari instagram jktfoodbang dan kepo gituuu abis review nya overall bagus semua. Ternyata ini eskrim pas pesan langsung buat pake nitrogen disuatu tempat yg atasnya ada nampan gitu dan dituang susu dinampan tsb lalu diaduk2 sama chef nya. Untung pas kesana lg sepi soalnya agak lama nunggu chefnya bikin.Pas kesana, ternyata ada step nya nih. step 1 yaitu pilih rasanya. vanila & coklat 25k, greentea 28k, dan yogurt 30k. Step 2 pilih topping. Pas gue nanya dapet topping berapa ternyata lg promo nih dapet 3 topping yaay! Buat nambah topping tinggal tambah 3k ajaaa. Gue sendiri pesan vanilla dgn topping kitkat yg di mix sm eskrimnya serta corn flakes, chocochip. Rasanya? Maygaaat enaaak!!!! worth it parah dgn harga yg begitu murah gue makan segitu aja udah kenyang hahahaha. Next akan kesini lagi!

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Lokasi Rolly's Thai Roll Ice Cream

Kuningan City, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta

Rolly's Thai Roll Ice Cream terletak di Kuningan City, Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta.Ini adalah restoran Es Krim di dekat Kuningan City, Kuningan. Hidangan lain juga sangat cocok untuk makan siang atau makan malam.Ramai food blogger juga kunjungi restoran ini untuk buat mukbang.

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